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Volume 58 - Number 1 January - 2014 (Current issue) ISSN 0019-5499 |
Immediate changes in muscle strength and motor speed
The present study was conducted to assess the immediate effect of high-frequency yoga breathing on
muscle strength and motor speed. Bilateral handgrip strength, leg and back strength, finger tapping and arm
tapping speed were assessed in fifty male participants (group mean age±SD, 26.9±6.2 years) before and
after (a) high frequency yoga breathing for 15 minutes and (b) breath awareness for the same duration.
Sessions (a) and (b) were on two different days but at the same time of the day. The schedule was
alternated for different participants. There was a significant increase (P<0.05) in right hand grip strength after
high frequency yoga breathing. Both finger and arm tapping improved after both practices. The results
suggest a role for high frequency yoga breathing in improving the hand grip strength as an immediate effect. |
Bilateral handgrip strength is an objective anthropometric measure used in varied situations. Examples include determining work capacity (1), the extent of injury and disease, as well as the potential for and progress in rehabilitation (2). Isometric back strength and leg strength are also recognized anthropometric assessments. The efficiency of muscle function is also determined by the ability to perform successive, rapid alternating movements quickly and without fatigue, which is assessed by the tapping speed (3). Yoga practice includes specific postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas), and meditation, among other practices (4). Previously, three months of practicing a combination of yoga techniques, increased the bilateral hand grip strength in male physical education teachers, who had an average of nine years experience in the profession (5). School children, aged between twelve and 15 years also showed improved hand grip strength after ten days of practicing various yoga techniques (6). Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis who had pain and swelling of the finger joints showed an improvement in hand grip strength following a yoga session five times a week, for eight weeks, followed by weekly two-hour sessions for three months (7). These studies assessed the effect of yoga practiced over a period of time on hand grip strength. Yoga practice also increased tapping speed in
children after ten days and in adults after a month
(8). For both groups, the tapping speed increased
during the first ten seconds of the test, but not duringthe next 20 seconds, suggesting an initial spurt of
speed which was not sustained. There have been no studies assessing whether yoga practice can bring about immediate changes in hand grip strength or tapping speed. The present study was planned to assess the effect of 15 minutes of a high frequency yoga breathing practice (with breath rate approximately 1.0 Hz) on hand grip strength, leg and back strength, and tapping speed. High frequency yoga breathing was chosen since this technique has been traditionally described as having an energizing effect (13). Participants were asked to practice breath awareness on another day. Breath awareness was chosen as breath awareness improved performance on an attention task (14), which is associated with increased sympathetic activity (15) and increased sympathetic activity is associated with improved static hand grip (16). |
Fifty male participants between the age of 18 and 40 years (group mean age±SD, 26.9±6.2 years) took part in the study. The sample was not determined statistically prior to the experiment. However posthoc analyses show that for the present study, withthe sample size as 50, and with the effect size obtained, the power was 0.3836 (17). Participants were staying at a residential yoga center located in north India and all of them had approximately the same experience of practicing the two techniques (six months). Participants were included if they were (i) healthy and (ii) right hand dominant (18). The hand grip strength is known to differ based on which hand is dominant. In two hundred and fourteen adults, right hand dominant subjects were 10 percent stronger in grip strength on the dominant side (19). In left handed subjects mean grip strength was the same for both hands, the non-dominant hand was stronger in 50 percent of left-handed subjects. Hence in the present study to avoid the effect of handedness influencing the results, right hand dominant subjects alone were included. Participants were excluded if they were using (i) tobacco, intoxicants or any caffeinated beverages and (ii) any medications. Participation in the study was voluntary and signed
informed consent was obtained. The study was
approved by the institution’s ethics committee.
Baseline characteristics of the participants are given
in Table I. |
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Study design
Data were acquired on four different days.
Participants were alternately allocated to the two
practices, viz., high frequency yoga breathing and
breath awareness. The assessments, viz., (a)
bilateral hand grip strength, (b) leg and back strength,
(c) finger tapping speed, and (d) arm tapping speed
were taken in all participants, following the same
method. The assessments were made immediately
before and after the two breathing practices. On two
alternate days the participants were assessed for
hand grip strength and leg and back strength, before and after high frequency yoga breathing and breath
awareness. On the other two alternate days the
participants were assessed for finger tapping speed
and arm tapping speed, before and after high
frequency yoga breathing and breath awareness. The
design is schematically shown in Fig. 1. |
Hand grip strength
Hand grip strength was assessed using a grip
dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument, Model 78010,
U.S.A). Participants were tested in six trials, 3 for
each hand alternately, with a ten second gap between
trials. During the assessment, participants were
asked to keep their arm extended at shoulder level,
horizontal to the ground and grip the dynamometer
with maximum effort. The maximum value obtained
during the trials was used for analysis. |
Leg strength and isometric back strength
Leg strength and isometric back strength were
measured using a leg and back dynamometer (Takei
Model 5402, Japan). Participants were tested in a
single trial. During the assessment participants were
asked to exert maximum force with their legs and
back to pull the chain of the dynamometer upwards. |
Finger tapping
Finger tapping was assessed with a plastic board
raised on one side by an angle of approximately
degrees to the horizontal, providing an incline
on which the wrist could rest while tapping (Lafayette
Instrument, Model no. 32726 U.S.A). The tapping
motion would depress a metal bar, connected to a
counter, so that each tap would increase the reading
by ‘1’. The counter could be manually reset to zero.
Participants were asked to tap the metal bar with
the index finger of the dominant hand as many times
as possible during a period of 60 seconds. The
number of taps was noted at the end of every ten
seconds, for 60 seconds. |
Arm tapping
Arm Tapping was assessed using an apparatus whichhas a metal stylus connected to it and contact
between the stylus and two metal plates were
registered on an impulse counter (Lafayette
Instrument, Model no. 32012 U.S.A). Participants
were instructed to use their dominant hand to hold
the stylus and tap both sides (right and left) of the
board and were asked to tap as rapidly as possible.
The wrist was not supported and the stylus was
held as a pen is held. Tapping speed was assessed
in six contiguous periods (i.e. every ten seconds for
60 seconds). |
The two interventions were given on two different days for each participant and allocation to either intervention was alternated. The total time for the interventions was 18 minutes. During high frequency yoga breathing, participants practiced high frequency yoga breathing (at 1.0 Hz) with forceful exhalation, as three periods of five minutes each. After each five-minute period there was a one-minute gap during which they breathed without modifying their breath. During the practice of breath awareness participants were asked to sit in a cross legged position and sit quietly, being aware of the temperature and flow of air through the nasal passages. Breath awareness was selected as an alternate intervention, as being aware of one’s breath is an essential part of all yoga breathing, including high frequency yoga breathing.. |
Data analysis
Statistical analysis was done with SPSS version 18.0. A repeated measures analyses of variance to analyze the data for right hand grip strength, left hand grip strength, leg and back strength, and tapping speed was done. For right hand grip strength, left hand grip strength and leg and back strength each ANOVA contained two Within-Subjects factors i.e., Sessions (high frequency yoga breathing, breath awareness) and States (pre, post). For the tapping speed tests there were separate ANOVAs for finger tapping and for arm tapping. Each ANOVA had three within-subjects factors. These were: Sessions (highfrequency yoga breathing, breath awareness), States (Pre, Post) and Trials (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 seconds). An ANOVA was followed by post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni adjustment. |
Analyses of variance
(a) Handgrip Strength
For right hand grip strength there was a significant
interaction between Sessions and States, suggesting
that the two were interdependent (F = 4.26, df = 1,49;
P<0.05). |
(b) Finger tapping speed
The repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant
difference between the States (F = 15.69, df = 1,49,
P<0.001), Trials (F = 788.38, df = 1.26,61.89,
P<0.001], and interaction between States and Trials
(F = 11.93, df = 4.55,223.26, P<0.001; Huynh-Feldt
epsilon = 1.000). There was no significant difference
between Sessions. |
(c) Arm Tapping
The repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant
difference between the States (F = 69.22, df = 1,49,
P<0.001), Trials (F = 2142.04, df = 2.07,101.46,
P<0.001; Huynh-Feldt epsilon = .414), and interaction
between States and Trials (F = 11.28, df = 3.26,159.87,
P<0.001; Huynh-Feldt epsilon = .653). There was no
significant difference between Sessions. |
Post-hoc analyses
(a) Handgrip Strength
There was an acute increase in right hand grip
strength after high frequency yoga breathing practice
compared to before (P<0.05; post-hoc analyses for
multiple comparisons with Bonferroni adjustment). |
(b) Finger tapping
Post-hoc analyses with Bonferroni adjustment and
pair-wise comparison of values of tapping speed in
ten second time intervals was carried out. Following
high frequency yoga breathing there was a significant
increase in finger tapping speed at all six time points
studied, from ten seconds to 60 seconds (P<0.001).
All participants also showed significant increases in
finger tapping speed at the six time points studied
(from ten seconds to 60 seconds) after breath
awareness (P<0.001). |
(c) Arm Tapping
Post-hoc analyses with Bonferroni adjustment by pairwise comparison of values of tapping speed in ten second time intervals was done. Following high frequency yoga breathing all participants showed significant increases in arm tapping speed at all six time points studied, from ten seconds to 60 seconds (P<0.001). All participants also showed significant increases in arm tapping speed at all six time points studied, from ten seconds to 60 seconds after breath awareness (P<0.001). For muscle strength group mean values±SD, are given in Table II, while for tapping speed group mean values ±SD, are given in Table III. |
At the end of fifteen minutes of high frequency yoga
breathing, at the rate of approximately 1.0 Hz, there
was a significant increase in right hand grip strength.
It was mentioned in the introduction that increasesin hand grip strength have been reported previously
when different yoga techniques were practiced over
a period of time. The present study reports an
immediate increase in right hand grip strength
following high frequency yoga breathing. There were Improvement in hand grip strength when yoga
practitioners were assessed at the beginning and
end of different periods, the minimum duration of
which was ten days, was ascribed to the possible
effects of yoga breathing techniques or pranayamas
(20). These effects were a reduced oxygen
consumption following yoga breathing (pranayama),
along with changes in the availability of energy and
oxidation of glucose which would influence hand grip
strength. It is not known whether the high frequency
yoga breathing studied here increases or reduces
the requirement of oxygen in the muscles, as an
immediate or short-term effect of the practice.
However an inference may be drawn from an earlier
study. In this study, high frequency yoga breathing
practiced for one minute at the rate of 2.0 Hz, in 12
normal healthy males resulted in an increase in
urinary creatinine (21).
In another study exercise
performed at approximately 45 percent of VO
for 90 minutes resulted in an increase in urinary
creatinine (22), which was believed to be due to an
increase in net protein catabolism, though there was
no disproportionate breakdown of myofibrillar
contractile proteins. In the study mentioned above,
by Desai and Gharote, 1990 (21),
high frequency yoga
breathing practiced for one minute may have resulted
in increased protein catabolism and hence increased
urinary creatinine. It is unlikely that in the present
study urinary creatinine levels would have been high,
as grip strength and urinary creatinine levels are
negatively correlated (23). This difference could be
due to the fact that in the study by Desai and
Gharote, 1990 (21), high frequency yoga breathing
was practiced at 2.0 Hz for a minute, whereas in the
present study, high frequency yoga breathing was practiced at approximately 1.0 Hz, for 15 minutes,
as three five-minute epochs with one minute rest
periods in between. However since urinary creatinine
was not measured, this remains a speculation.The increase in right hand grip strength could also
be due to an increase in skeletal muscle blood flow,
as high frequency yoga breathing practice is
associated with increased sympathetic nervous
system activity (24). This speculation is based on
the fact that increased sympathetic nervous system
activity is associated with increased static hand grip
strength (16).
Previous studies have shown an
increase in cardiac sympathetic nerve activity
following the practice of high frequency yoga
breathing, based on an analysis of the spectral
components of heart rate variability (24). Apart from
this, high frequency yoga breathing was associated
with higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure
levels, which could be suggestive of higher
sympathetic tone. There appears to be no specific reason why right hand grip strength alone increased. All participants were right hand dominant, but pre-intervention grip strength scores of right and left hands were not significantly different. There is no clear explanation for this. Certain structural and functional differences exist between the right and left hand. Yoga practice has been shown to influence these factors and hence may cause changes in the right hand alone. The structural differences include more pyramidal tract fibers directed to the right than the left hand in about 75 percent of persons (29). Studies have shown that yoga practice can improve cortical functioning (30) and yoga practice can even cause structural changes in the cerebral cortex (31). While the changes mentioned in these reports (30, 31) were not specifically seen in the motor cortex or pyramidal tracts, one may speculate that these areas could possibly have changed in their functioning, if not their structure after six months of yoga practice, which was the experience of the present group of participants. There are other structural differences between the two hands. In 992 participants anter-postero hand radiographs showed a pattern of asymmetry in lefthanders as well as right-handers (32). Increased bone strength based on periosteal and endosteal thickness of the second metacarpal was seen on the dominant side. In a separate study Yoga practice was shown to increase bone mineral density measured by singlephoton absorptiometry along with hand grip strength in 649 post-menopausal women (33). Participants who increased physical activity, which included yoga, had significant associations of grip strength with bonemineral density. It is not known whether such a change in bone structure would have occurred in the participants of the present study who had experience of yoga for 6 months, though it is possible that it may have occurred. Both finger tapping and arm tapping increased following both high frequency yoga breathing and breath awareness. The increase was comparable. In the absence of a no-intervention control group, it cannot be ruled out that this increase was due to a practice effect. However the results show that both interventions did increase the speed for repetitive movements. The limitations of the study include (i) the fact that the study was limited to males, (ii) the changes which occurred as an immediate effect of high frequency yoga breathing or breath awareness, are less easy to explain compared with longitudinal changes and (iii) There were no measurements to support the hypothesized mechanisms underlying the change, such as better oxygenation of the muscles. The present results suggest that high frequency yoga breathing practice may bring about a small yet significant increase in right hand grip strength. This may explain why yoga programs which included high frequency yoga breathing improved grip strength in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (34). |
The authors state that there is no conflict of interest. |